
Promote your mobility and relieve pain
Using exercise therapy and massage therapy techniques, we strive to meet the individual needs of each patient. First, your physical limitations will be discussed. A treatment plan will then be drawn up together with you that is completely tailored to your needs.
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Manual therapy

A good outcome
If you have complaints in a joint, such as pain or stiffness, and this makes it difficult for you to move, manual therapy can help. The manual therapist has special techniques that help your joints move better, so that your pain complaints will quickly decrease. After completing physiotherapy training, a manual therapist has completed a multi-year HBO master's degree (Msc) in manual therapy. In this way, the manual therapist has gained additional knowledge in treating joints and in particular the spine.
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Oriental medicine, a broad approach
With the knowledge we have of Western and Eastern medicine, we can serve you even better.
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Kinesio Taping

Other therapies can be well supported with the latest taping techniques.
Kinesio Taping can provide a good solution for various complaints, such as pain, fluid retention, restriction of movement in a joint, etc.
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Accelerate recovery after trauma or injury
Whether you are recovering from an accident or have recently had surgery to replace a joint (new hip, new knee, etc.): We are happy to help you get back to your old self. We have the knowledge and skills to help young and old, both in practice and at home.
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Dry Needling

Effective treatment of tension and pain in muscles
Dry Needling can produce astonishingly fast results for tension and pain complaints that have their source in tense muscle fibers.
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Treatment and rehabilitation of dancers at all levels
The founder of our practice (Maurits Ypma) was Scapino Ballet's permanent physiotherapist for a long time and a trusted person for many amateur and professional dancers. Over the years, we have increasingly approached this as a team within the practice. Maurits is no longer with us, but we are still ready for all dancers to get them back on stage as soon as possible!
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